baby playing with toys
6-12 months Baby General Play

Toys to use for my child’s brain development?

If you have ever observed the look on a child’s face when trying to fit a block into another block or ride a bicycle, you would understand that playtime is not only fun and games but also linked to their neural development. Toys are the tools of the trade. This list suggests toys to use for your child’s brain development.

Here are some tips on how to provide toys that entertain kids and understand the world, learn social and emotional skills and stimulate a developing brain.

Babies and how they play

It’s all about exploration for babies. they utilise their five senses to learn about everything around them. Does the item in their hand feel hard or soft? What does it taste like? Is it colourful? What would happen if I threw it? Tasting, shaking, banging or dropping is mostly what babies play would consist of.

Nursery mobile

Objects dancing above a whilst the baby is lying in a crib stimulate vision and develop attention span.


At first your baby will observe the face in the mirror and how expressions change in the mirror. After a certain time period your baby will understand that the smiling, drooling baby staring back is a reflection of themselves. Once this happens your baby will begin to be more self-aware which will lead to more self-discovery as they learn about their body and their surroundings.

Ring stacks

By default, we would know this toy as most individuals have used this toy as a child. The baby first enjoys mouthing and holding the ring and later on practice fine motor skills by fitting the rings onto the cone.

Push-pull toys

These toys help with balance and the development of large muscle as your baby goes from sitting to walking. The necessary muscles work the more they push and pull helping them to be active runners and climbers.

Toddlers and how they play

Whilst babies explore objects with their five senses, toddlers begin to figure out how they work. As preschoolers their imagination is vast. They would use toys and other objects for their intention and would also imagine a space of other possibilities. A stack of pillows with a blanket thrown over them will become a secret place and model. Even as your child matures, you will always be their main playmate – so make sure you always separate some time to be with your toddler.

Jump rope

By skipping rope with friends’ children learn to take turns and get along with others. All the jumping and coordination enhances large motor development and problem-solving skills.

Card and board games

These types of games teach your kids about strategy, taking turns, fairplay and rules. Encouraging cooperation will help your child to learn and manage emotions such as winning and losing.

Musical instruments

Practicing and learning to play the piano, violin, guitar or any or any other instrument helps in listening, fine motor skills and attention skills.

Science toys

Telescopes, binoculars, chemistry sets or other toys that help in discovery and problem-solving skills will help improve math and science skills and also help develop your child’s imagination.

You are the perfect play-mate

Your role with your child should not be underestimated. A baby staring at a mobile, a toddler stacking blocks and a pre-schooler painting with watercolours are all activities that can be done independently. It is you who first gave the mobile, put on a video and encouraged your baby to follow. It is you who first showed your baby how to stack those blocks and you who sat with your child to paint colours. The attention you give help build their self-esteem and feel loved and secure.

That summarizes our article on toys to use for your child’s brain development. In conclusion, toys are a tool to help your child’s development, but it’s parents who nurture healthy growth.

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